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Sunday, July 7, 2013

That Much Closer...

I just sent in my first tuition deposit! It was $900, but I already had that money so it was no problem.

Right before he pressed submit, my dad turned to me and said "This is a huge deal, are you sure you want to be away from home for 11 months?" Why ask that now? I am so ready. It's all I can think about. I'll finally be able to leave how I've always lived and go find myself while doing what I love to do!

I feel really close to Japan now. THIS IS HAPPENING. For real! I feel like I'm in some sort of dream.
I'm going to submit everything except the interview tomorrow, and then I'll be yet another step closer to the Rising Sun.

One of my favorite quotes is:

"Making a big life change is scary...But you know what's even scarier?


I first saw it on a post on tumblr, in one of the exchange student tags, and it's proven to be very true so far. I'd rather live my dream and plan my future than sit back and relax in my warm cozy American home. As much apprehension and nervousness I feel as the departure date nears, the excitement I have will always trump it.

I'm ready to see the world!! 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Almost there with the App

Today is the 4th of July, or Independence Day for the U.S.

Soon, my application will be sent to Japan...I think.

My TB test was.....negative! I am allergic to the medicine though so the injection site on my arm was all itchy and they thought a lump was there. (15mm lump = positive) Thankfully though it was only 10mm, so I'm fine.

My blood type is O+, and the most common in the world, so that's good, too.

In Japan, many people think that blood type can dictate your personality. Studies have shown (with a different blood typing method than ABO) that certain blood types can cause higher anxiety, but they haven't found a link to personality. Japanese people are so interesting. I love learning about their traditions.

I checked what O+ is just to be sure, and here's what one website said: 
"If people with Type A blood are Clark Kent, Type O people are Superman. People with Type O blood types are said to be outgoing, confident and passionate with very dominant personalities. It’s said that public figures are often Type O, like politicians and baseball players."
Apparently, we're also known to be ruthless, self-centered, and cold, so I don't quite know how I feel about that! :)

Check out what you are here:

It's pretty fun!

Anyway, I just need to send in my deposit, which I will definitely do today or tomorrow, and then I need an interview....but the interviewer is not e-mailing me back. It's getting frustrating but I'm trying to be patient.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Needles. Yuck.

I think I'll be able to send in my revised application later today!! Then all I'll have left is the $900 deposit and an in-home interview. Oh and don't forget the scholarships!

Miraculously, my mom got me into the doctor's office about 10 hours after I asked her to call. This appointment is for my TB test and I'll also get my blood typed, and that information will go to the  Japanese High School that I'll be going to. ♥

If you know me, you know I hate needles. I get super stressed out whenever I need a new vaccine, and my parents are required by me to get me the flu mist instead of the shot It's weirdly ironic because my mom is a nurse and my dad is a veterinarian and I'm okay with giving shots...I'm just not happy with receiving them. But who is? When I had surgery, both times I made them knock me out with the gas anesthesia before they gave me an IV. ^^;

Oh well, this needs to happen. So far I've had about three shots for Japan if I count what I got before I went in February. But, if I want to go, I'm going to have to brave a few needles. I can do it! TB tests aren't even supposed to hurt that much, anyway. (Let's hope people haven't been lying to me about that the whole time).